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In order to use the CPA title in Virginia, an individual must be licensed in Virginia or a substantially equivalent state or jurisdiction. 

Requirements to obtain a CPA license include:

  1. Passing all four sections of the CPA exam within a 30-month time period.
    • Candidates who have passed the CPA exam in Virginia already have an online account. To apply for initial licensure, please login to the existing CPA exam record, begin a new application and pay the non-refundable application fee of $75.
  2. Applicants who passed the CPA exam in a state other than Virginia, create a new online account to apply for an initial CPA license and pay the non-refundable application fee of $75 upon submission of the online application.
  3. Completing the AICPA self-study Professional Ethics: AICPA’s Comprehensive Course (For Licensure) with a score of 90% or better. The applicant may mail, fax or email a copy of the course certificate, with the score, to the VBOA. Questions may be directed to the AICPA at or by calling (888) 777-7077 (option 3) Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  4. Completing the CPE Requirements Certification Form.
  5. Completing the Experience Verification Form.

Applicants who passed the CPA exam in another state or jurisdiction, other than Virginia, will need to provide official college transcripts and CPA exam scores transferred to the VBOA.

If applying in a later calendar year after passing the CPA exam, in addition to the above you will need to submit official college transcripts, if applicable, submit the required 40 hours of CPE per year and the current year’s VBOA-approved ethics course.

Licensure from a substantially equivalent state or jurisdiction

  1. Create an online account to apply for licensure.
  2. Request a Verification of Licensure from a substantially equivalent state or jurisdiction.

*As of Oct. 28, 2022, the VBOA is no longer requiring licensed CPAs applying through substantial equivalency to take the AICPA self-study Professional Ethics: AICPA’s Comprehensive Course (For Licensure).