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As the result of a CPE audit, the VBOA may find that a licensee has violated the CPE requirements during a reporting period. In such cases, enforcement action will be taken and the licensee may be offered a consent agreement and be subject to disciplinary action.

A licensee may determine on their own, outside of the CPE audit, of a CPE deficiency for a specific reporting period. The licensee should self-report and notify or call (804) 482-8757 immediately when it is determined a deficiency has occurred. 

The VBOA may waive all or part of the CPE requirement for one or more calendar-years or grant additional time for complying with the CPE requirement, provided that the waiver or deferral is in the public’s best interest. However, requests for a waiver or a deferral must generally be received in advance of the deadline for CPE completion.

It is the policy of the VBOA that such waivers or deferrals be considered only in situations resulting from extreme medical hardship or active military deployment. Requests for a waiver or deferral will be considered on a case-by-case basis and such approvals are rare.

CPE violation guidelines

The guidelines are intended to assist in the efficient, effective, and fair resolution of CPE deficiencies. Review the guidelines for penalties due to CPE deficiencies.