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Track CPE

The NASBA-sponsored CPE Audit Service tracks and maintains continuing professional education, or CPE, with a user-friendly interface and helpful how-to videos.

For CPAs who used the previous CPE Tracking System, all historical data, including past course and attendance records, transitioned to the CPE Audit Service. When the CPE Audit Service launched, CPAs received an email containing information to register a new account in the new system. Access information is included in the first registration email.

The CPE Audit Service system includes video tutorials that focus on new features and the most commonly used components. The videos are easy to follow and include step-by-step instructions on how to upload CPE certificates, enter the information and submit it to the VBOA.

The CPE Audit Service is available to use at no charge and allows CPAs to keep track of and store all CPE records in one location.

CPAs who are selected for a CPE audit are required to use this system to submit CPE records and documentation to the VBOA. Use of this system does not reflect a final determination of CPE compliance. The VBOA has the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses and documentation for CPE credit.

For questions regarding registration or trouble accessing an account, please contact NASBA directly through the help line at (844) 273-8722 or at

For questions about using the system, please contact the VBOA at or at (804) 482-8757.